Page UMA de Xavier Claeys
Équipe POEMS
Pièce 2.2.20
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Activités de recherche
Mon travail de recherche porte sur la modélisation et l’analyse numérique des ondes acoustiques et électromagnétiques dans les milieux complexes. J’explore ce sujet selon trois directions : les méthodes asymptotiques, les formulations intégrales et la décomposition de domaine.
Activités d'enseignement
ENSTA-ANN 201: Methode des elements finis
ENSTA-ANA 201: Analyse fonctionnelle
ENSTA-ANA 201: Analyse fonctionnelle
Articles (revues avec comité de lecture)
- Multidomain FEM-BEM coupling for acoustic scattering
Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, vol. 36 (2), pp. 129-167, Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, jun, 2024
- Analysis of the SORAS domain decomposition preconditioner for non-self-adjoint or indefinite problems
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Journal of Scientific Computing, vol. 89, pp. 19, Springer Verlag, 2021
- Boundary integral multi-trace formulations and Optimised Schwarz Methods
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 79 (11), Elsevier, jun, 2020 - Two-level preconditioning for h-version boundary element approximation of hypersingular operator with GenEO
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Numerische Mathematik, vol. 146, pp. 597–628, Springer Verlag, sep, 2020
- Radiation condition for a non-smooth interface between a dielectric and a metamaterial
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Math. Models Meth. App. Sci., vol. 3, aug, 2013 []
- On the theoretical justification of Pocklington's equation
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, vol. 19(8), pp. 1325-1355, aug, 2009
- Augmented Galerkin Schemes for the Numerical Solution of Scattering by Small Obstacles
Numerische Mathematik, vol. 116(2), pp. 243-268, 2007 - Scattering From infinite rough tubular surfaces
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., vol. 30 (30), pp. 389-414, 2007
- How does the partition of unity influence SORAS preconditioner?
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Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII, vol. 149, pp. 61-68, Springer Nature Switzerland, jan, 2024
Conférences internationales avec actes
- Fast solution of boundary integral equations for elasticity around a crack network: a comparative study
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vol. 63, pp. 135--151, CEMRACS 2016 (Luminy, Marseille), jun, 2018
- Negative materials and corners in electromagnetism
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Report No.3/2013 of Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach "Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics", Oberwolfach., Allemagne, 2013 []
- A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
pp. 269 - 272, International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA, Turin Italie, sep, 2007 - A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
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Conference on Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics, Oberwolfach Allemagne, feb, 2007
Conférences sans actes
- Time domain computation of the scattering of waves by small heterogeneities
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KOZwaves, Newcastle, Australia, feb, 2014
- Negative materials and corners in electromagnetism
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Conference on Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics, Oberwolfach, Allemagne, 2013 []
- Plasmonic cavity modes with sign changing permittivity
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WAVES, Tunisia, jun, 2013 []
- Time domain computation of the scattering of waves by small heterogeneities
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Waves, Tunisia, jun, 2013
- Black holes in metamaterials
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MATHmONDES 2012, Reading, jul, 2012 - On the use of Perfectly Matched Layers to capture strongly confined plasmonic edge waves
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ETOPIM (Electrical, Transport and Optical Properties of Inhomogeneous Media), Marseille, sep, 2012 - Time harmonic Maxwell equations with sign changing coefficients
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Workshop: around scattering by obstacles and billiards, Aveiro, 2012 []
- Radiation condition for a non-smooth interface between a dielectric and a metamaterial
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10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Waves 2011, Vancouver, 2011 []
- Radiation condition for a non-smooth interface between a dielectric and a metamaterial
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Numerical Electromagnetics & Industrial Applications (NELIA 2011), Santiago de Compostela, 2011 []
- Radiation condition for a non-smooth interface between a dielectric and a metamaterial
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10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Waves 2011, Vancouver, 2011 []
- Asymptotics and numerical analysis for wave diffraction by thin wires
Seminaire du GMM a l'INSA de Toulouse, nov, 2008
- A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
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Cinquiemes journees singulieres, Luminy France, apr, 2007 - A generalized Holland model for wave diffraction by thin wires
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WONAPDE, Concpcion Chili, jan, 2007 - Theoretical justification of Pocklington's equation for diffraction by thin wires
Workshop Methodes Asymptotiques en electromagnetisme, 20eme Anniversaire du CERFACS, Toulouse, oct, 2007 - Theoretical justification of Pocklington's equation for diffractionby thin wires
WAVES, Reading Angleterre, jul, 2007
- Modele mathematique pour les fils minces
AIMS Systèmes Dynamiques, Equations Différentielles et Applications, Poitiers France, jun, 2006
Rapports de recherche
- Asymptotic analysis for the solution to the Helmholtz problem in the exterior of a finite thin straight wire
jul, 2007 - Augmented Galerkin schemes for the numerical solution of scattering by small obstacles
may, 2007
- Etude d'un problème modèle pour la diffraction par des fils minces par développements asymptotiques raccordés Cas 2D
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fév 2006