UMA Home page for Vahan Baronian
POEMS team

Former member
was: phd student
was: phd student
Ph.D. 2010
Research activities (sorry, only french text)
Couplage de méthodes modales et éléments finis pour la propagation des ondes ultrasonores
Teaching activities (sorry, only french text)
Monitorat à l'Ecole Centrale Paris: TD de mécanique ( 1re année )
Other activities (sorry, only french text)
Agrégé en mécanique.
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Linear Sampling Method applied to Non Destructive Testing of an elastic waveguide: theory, numerics and experiments
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Inverse Problems, vol. 34/7, pp. 075006, jul, 2018 []
- Imaging an acoustic waveguide from surface data in the time domain
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Wave Motion, vol. 66, pp. 68-87, nov, 2016 []
- Iterative methods for scattering problems in isotropic and anisotropic elastic waveguides
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Wave Motion, vol. 64, pp. 13-33, jul, 2016 []
- Transparent boundary conditions for the harmonic diffraction problem in an elastic waveguide
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Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 234(6), pp. 1945-1952, 2010
International conferences with proceedings
- Hybrid SAFE/FE Model for the Scattering of Guided Waves in a Stiffened Multi-layered Anisotropic Plate
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Rev. Prog. QNDE, vol. 31, D.O. Thompson and D.E. Chimenti, 2012 - Scattering of obliquely incident guided waves by a stiffener bonded to a plate.
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J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., vol. 353, 2012
- Simulation of non-destructive inspections and acoustic emission measurements involving guided waves
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 195, 2009
- Numerical simulation of non destructive testing experiments in an elastic waveguide
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Ultrasonic Wave Propagation in Non Homogeneous Media, Springer, jun, 2008
Conferences without proceedings
- Imaging a waveguide: the importance of using modes
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NCMIP Conference, 24/5/2019, ENS Cachan, may, 2019
- LSM applied to NDT of an elastic waveguide
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Conference on Mathematics of Wave Phenomena - Karslruhe - 23-27/07/2018, jul, 2018 - The Half-Space Matching method for Lamb wave scattering in anisotropic plates
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2nd International Conference on Advanced Modelling of Wave Propagation in Solids, Prague, sep, 2018 - The Half-Space Matching method for guided wave scattering in anisotropic elastic plates
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AFPAC 2018, Surrey, jan, 2018
- Imagerie de défauts dans un guide d'ondes élastiques en régime temporel à partir de données en surface
13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, avr 2016 []
- Imaging an acoustic waveguide from surface data in the time domain
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Workshop Inverse Problems for PDEs, Bremen, Allemagne, 29/3-1/4/2016, mar, 2016 - Imaging an acoustic waveguide from surface data in the time domain
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New trends in theoretical and numerical analysis of waveguides, Porquerolles, 16-19/05/2016, may, 2016
- Imaging defects in an acoustic waveguide using time-dependent surface data
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Ninth meeting of the European Research Network: wave propagation in complex media for quantitative and Non-Destructive Evaluation, dec, 2015
- Decomposition domain methods for scattering problems in elastic waveguides
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Waves 2013, Tunis, jun, 2013
- Iterative methods to solve scattering problems in elastic waveguides
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Seventh GDR conference, 2012
- 3D numerical implementation of transparent boundary conditions in elastic waveguides.
, and
9th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (WAVES'09), Pau, jun, 2009 - Simulation of non destructive inspections by guided waves of structures containing an arbitrary local discontinuity or defect
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International Congress on Ultrasonics, Santiago, Chile, jan, 2009
- Coupling of modal method and finite element method for the diffraction elastic guided waves
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GDR "Etude de la propagation ultrasonore en vue du contrôle non destructif", Brunel, mar, 2008 - Numerical simulation of non destructive testing experiments in an elastic waveguide
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GDR "Etude de la propagation ultrasonore en vue du contrôle non destructif", Anglet, jun, 2008 - Scattering by a defect in an elastic waveguide : Coupling of finite elements and modal representations
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Acoustics'08 - Paris, jul, 2008 - Simulation of non destructive inspections and acoustic emission measurements involving guided waves
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Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference (AFPAC) - Arcachon (France), dec, 2008
- Coupling of modal decomposition and finite element method for the diffraction of Lamb waves in elastic waveguide
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Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference (AFPAC) - Frejus (France), jan, 2007 - Transparent boundary conditions for the harmonic diffraction problem in an elastic waveguide
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8th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves (WAVES'07), Reading, jul, 2007
Doctoral these
- Couplage des méthodes modale et éléments finis pour la diffraction des ondes élastiques guidées : Application au Contrôle Non Destructif
Ecole doctorale de l'Ecole Polytechnique (EDX) - ED 447, nov 2009 []